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MS Server Articles:

Windows Servers
Sometimes renaming a domain is an essential business requirement. There are many situations, such as mergers, change of company name or migration f...
Windows Servers
Our previous articles covered basic concepts of Virtualization along with the installation and monitoring of Windows 2012 Hyper-V. This article tak...
Windows Servers
In this article, we will cover more advanced DHCP features and topics such as server options, superscopes, multicast scopes, dynamic DNS, DHCP data...
Windows Servers
The Windows Server 2008 first carried FSRM or Fie Server Resources Manager, which allowed administrators to define the file types that users could ...

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Virtualization & VM Backup Articles:

SSH access to VMware’s ESXi server is by disabled by default however there are many reasons where SSH might be required. VMware and System administ...
SysAdmin Day has arrived, and with it, gratitude for all the unsung heroes that 2020 has needed. Your hard work has made it possible for all of us ...
Businesses that rely on virtual machines for their day-to-day operations should think twice about securing their infrastructure. Modern use of virt...
Backup and Disaster recovery are core considerations for any business with an IT footprint, whether that is on-premises or in the cloud. Your busi...

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Linux - Unix
Now that you're done learning some of the Basic Linux commands and how to use them to install Linux Software, it's time we showed you some of the other ...
Linux - Unix
You may be a user at home, a user in a LAN (local area network), or a system administrator of a large network of computers. Alternatively, you may be ma...
Linux - Unix
BIND (Berkely Internet Name Domain) is a popular software for translating domain names into IP addresses and usually found on Linux servers. This articl...
Linux - Unix
Installing software in Linux is very different from Windows for one very simple reason: most Linux programs come in 'source code' form. This allows you ...

Popular Topics

Cisco Routers
This article shows how to configure the embedded or integrated access point in a Cisco 880W series router (e.g Cisco 887W, Cisco 886W, Cisco 881W, Cisco...
Cisco Switches
It's no news that we here at enjoy writing about our installations of Cisco equipment and especially devices that we don’t get to see and pl...
Cisco Routers
In our article Cisco VPN Client Configuration - Setup for IOS Router  we explained how to setup up a Cisco IOS router to support Cisco IPSec VPN cl...
OpManager - Network Monitoring & Management
The hybrid work culture has resulted in workforces increasingly using their mobile devices for work, further adding to the complexity of ensuring securi...