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MS Server Articles:

Windows Servers
With Windows 2016 Server already making its way into data centers Windows 2016 Server Licensing is becoming a very hot topic. Windows 2016 Server i...
Windows Servers
This article serves as an Active Directory tutorial covering installation and setup of Windows 2012 Active Directory Services Role & Domain Con...
Windows Servers
Using Hyper-V Server virtualization technology, you can virtualize your physical environment to reduce the cost of physical hardware. As part of IT...
Windows Servers
This article serves as an Active Directory tutorial covering installation and setup of a Windows 2012 Domain Controller using Windows Server Manage...

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Virtualization & VM Backup Articles:

In this article we will show you how to enable SNMP on your VMware ESXi host, configure SNMP Community string and configure your ESXi firewall to a...
The Free Backup Bible Complete Edition written by backup expert and Microsoft MVP Eric Siron, is comprised of 200+ pages of actionable content divi...
Backup and Disaster recovery are core considerations for any business with an IT footprint, whether that is on-premises or in the cloud. Your busi...
Businesses that rely on virtual machines for their day-to-day operations should think twice about securing their infrastructure. Modern use of virt...

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All-in-one protection for Microsoft 365

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Linux - Unix
When you are using Vim, you want to know three things - getting in, moving about and getting out. Of course, while doing these three basic operations, y...
Linux - Unix
This article covers the main TCP/IP network configuration files used by Linux to configure various network services of the system such as IP Address, De...
Linux - Unix
Since this document merely scratches the surface when it comes to Linux, you will probably find you have lots of questions and possibly problems. Whethe...
Linux - Unix
Setting up a Secondary (or Slave) DNS sever is much easier than you might think. All the hard work is done when you setup the Master DNS server by creat...

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Network Protocol Analyzers
Troubleshooting network problems can be a very intensive and challenging process. Intermittent network problems are even more difficult to troubleshoot ...
VLAN Networks
The previous article introduced the VTP protocol, we examined how it can be used within a network, to help manage VLANs and ease the administrative over...
ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer
In the wake of digital transformation, the work landscape as we know it has undergone a dynamic shift. People can now work from home, from the office, o...
Cisco Data Center (Nexus/UCS)
Cisco virtual Port Channel (vPC) is a virtualization technology, launched in 2009, which allows links that are physically connected to two different Cis...