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Free Webinar: Troubleshooting & Fixing Microsoft Hyper-V Hosts & Clusters

free-webinar-troubleshooting-hyper-v-1Users working with Hyper-V Virtualization would be interested to know that Altaro is hosting a free webinar on the 25th of February 2016 at 4pm CET / 10am EST. Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter Management MVPs Didier Van Hoye and Andy Syrewicze will be answering questions on how to fix a broken Hyper-V Host or Hyper-V Cluster and will also be sharing some tales from the trenches.

Don't miss out on this exclusive Hyper-V webinar and make sure you grab your free copy of Altaro's Hyper-V & VMware backup software!


Note: While this event's date has passed, you can access the recorded version while also download all material provided. Simply follow the above link to access it.

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