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Windows Vista OneCare fails Antivirus test.

18 years 1 month ago #19708 by Starfire
I wonder what the world record for the most people saying "I told you so!" at the very same time is....

And if there is a record for that, was the previous holder also Microsoft......
18 years 1 month ago #19719 by Smurf
Haha, thats funny :lol:

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
18 years 1 month ago #19722 by S0lo
I guess I'm going to be using XP for at least the next 3 years. Since I've heard the word "Vista", Almost all I 've heard is bad news (other than the decoratiuons). Needs 1Gb, Needs high Ghz(s). needs, needs. And there you go with OneCare. I guess it's 2LittleCare. I know I might be exaggerating here. I hope I'm wrong.

One thing to say though, other Antivirus software these days (Upto my humble experience) are on the other hand too agressive. Hacking tools are cought, while hacking tools can some time be usefull to system admins. Addware that sometimes do no harm (just like cydore with flashget) are cought. Hey, I personaly don't mind if some company knows were I'm going in the net, since they don't know me. to them I'm just a name out of the croud. If I'm getting some good software in return.

I understand how some people want this to be prevented by default, But what about people who don't by default.

I have a folder, full of security tools and hacking software. My PC has been running for years, not a single format. Yet, Every Wednesday when my virus scan is scheduled, NAV just Quaranteens almost every thing in this folder. I go manually to restore them. It's a pain.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
Forum Moderator
18 years 1 month ago #19723 by Holmes245
I probably won't be jumping on that band wagon any time soon. There is still a lot of software & hardware out there that isn't Vista compliant and if XP does the job for me then why upgrade?

My opinion, as long as Microsoft offers support for XP then I'll stick with XP. I'm sort of the opinion that XP was fine. I wish Microsoft would stick with one operating system and just improve on it like Linux distros instead of trying to come up with something better that requires people to buy more hardware/software for it.

Besides, when Microsoft stops supporting XP then I may switch over to Linux because Microsoft is eating a whole in my pocket!
18 years 1 month ago #19728 by Spectre68524
Another example of windows putting out cruddy code at jacked up prices. Seems that they want people to Beta test vista like they did with XP. :twisted: :twisted:
18 years 1 month ago #19734 by Smurf

Another example of windows putting out cruddy code at jacked up prices. Seems that they want people to Beta test vista like they did with XP. :twisted: :twisted:

I think Vista is a fantastic OS, i have now been running it since just after Christmas (the Buisness Edition through Work) and although a lot of the stuff is gimiky, its been very stable for me and i have had no issues with it (oh, appart from a problem validating the product which was interesting).

They have done their usual trick of moving a lot of the stuff around so if you want to configure something then you need to try and find out where you need to do it and because i am not running the 64bit version, i can only get the OS to see 3Gig of ram instead of the fully 4Gig, not to worry......

I still run Sophos AV as i have been using this for 5+ years now and think its a fantiastic AV product. Oh, and on the back of the original thread, take a look at this Sophos 100% by VB

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
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