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Internet Explorer Doesn't Close.... Seriously!

20 years 8 months ago #3937 by Novice
Hey, guys, I'm new here... hence the total posts of 1. I'm actually asking this question for my girlfriend's family's computer -- fortunately the problem is NOT with my computer! :D

But apparently when I open up IE (I'm assuming it's 6.0) at her house Explorer works totally fine... until I want to exit the program. When I try to exit (i.e., click the "X" in the top right corner -- as opposed to File//Close) I get the Windows error beep/bump sound and Explorer remains open. Only good thing is that I can at least do CTRL/ALT/DEL and cancel via Task Manager.

I'm assuming it's some sort of virus or possibly a bug, but the only option I see is to completely reinstall IE 6.0.
20 years 8 months ago #3942 by George
Hey you must be right but can you let me know if the operating system is Windows 2000/XP ,I guessed it from what you said like IE 6 and Task Manager .And can you also let me know if could check "exe's" running in the process tab that sounds "suspicious " (hey, I am no genius) and tell if this happens even in a blank window or on a specific web site. You can also check things running in the startup like NAV , messenger ,ets (those are the icons beside the clock on the desktop )



George Thaniotis
Senior Analyst

20 years 8 months ago #3943 by Neon
Hi novice welcome to :)

While we wait for a reply for Georges questions you might also be able to try this:

Open regedit (Start/Run regedit)
and navigate through the following keys
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Double click on NoBrowserClose (Should be on the right side of the window)
Now what you will see depends on what operating system you have installed.

If it’s Windows XP just make sure the value is 0
If it’s Windows 2000 it should look like this 00 00 00 00

Hope this helps!
20 years 8 months ago #3951 by Novice
I'll give it a shot and see what happens... thanks, guys! :)
20 years 8 months ago #3972 by Kn1ght
just download the latest upgrade for free, I'll bet you Chris's servers that that should fix it, heh :)

20 years 8 months ago #3977 by sahirh
Take away his Slack 8 gateway machine ;)

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
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