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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

15 years 5 months ago #31764 by ZiPPy
Has anybody installed and played with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard???

I am dying to know how it runs and if its worth upgrading. At $29.00 ...not $29.99 or $30.00 (I love that by the way ...$29.00) you can't go wrong.

I'm really interested in the out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange, QuickTime X, all key applications @ 64-bit, and the overall performance over Tiger.

Insight? Thoughts?



15 years 5 months ago #31778 by The_Berzerker
Hey ZiPPy,

As I said in my posterous blog I won't be upgrading for the next few weeks. I really want to try the new features and take the opportunity to clean up my mac, but as of now a lot of the apps I use have yet to issue updates.

Most important of all is Parallels, which I use to run Windows for work and could not live without.

Once, I've upgraded I'll let you know how I find it :)
15 years 5 months ago #31783 by ZiPPy
Do you find Parallels to be better than VMware's Fusion? I still need to compare the two virtual applications myself. But I am looking for the most seamless virtual machine application for Mac. Right now VMware holds that title in running Windows VM's and Linux VM's.

Your one of our number one Mac users on the forums, so looks like we are waiting for a bit.

KiLLaBeE looks like we are waiting on you to install Snow Leopard and give us the run down. :D


15 years 5 months ago #31821 by The_Berzerker
Both of them have their goods and bads. I've only been using Parallels for a month so won't make a final decision yet. The three things I like in Parallels are:
1) Better memory management (VMWare just takes 1GB off your real mem)
2) The size of the VM increases as you add files, so you don't have to allocate 20GB from day one
3) Everything just seems faster on my setup (haven't run any benchmarking software though)
15 years 5 months ago #31849 by ZiPPy

In regards to your point number 2, I have come to find out after many tests that allocating your disk space does significantly improve performance. Yes being that you have to allocate space from the beginning can be seen as a waste, but it does have performance gains. This is especially true with VMware.


15 years 5 months ago #31873 by The_Berzerker
Good point, although I haven't noticed a dramatic difference it could be important if you handle large files within the vm.
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