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RIP Not showing in Show ip route

13 years 4 months ago #37249 by rizin
Hi Nevins,

The problem has been resolved, i would like to highlight some sentences here

Core Issue:

When a router running Routing Information Protocol (RIP) receives an update from a neighboring router, it checks whether the source of the update belongs to the same network or sub-network as the receiving interface. If they are the same, the routes are accepted for installing into the routing table. Otherwise, the update is dropped.

I actually configured different network in other end of the router serial 1/0, However my question here is What if it goes on WAN Link, Do the router serial interface must be on the same network ? is the same rule applicable for All routing protocols.

Thanks in advance,


Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean
13 years 4 months ago #37250 by Nevins
The key to that issue is the NETWORK command. Essentially what the network command does is tell the router to send updates stating it has that network attached to it. So lets think of this from a blind router point of view with no attached diagram.

You are trying to advertize your networks out of all routing protocol enabled ports.

So if you have 3 interfaces and you have network, and set up to advertize for rip v1 it will shoot out messages every 30 seconds(default) out of those interfaces.

A that point what the router is trying to say is you have those networks connected and you want your neighbors to know about it. Not all routers are going to have the same neighbors so they won't all be advertizing the same networks. However two adjacent routers should both have the same network command configured for the attached link.

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13 years 4 months ago #37251 by TheBishop
Thanks guys, I learned some useful things from this discussion
13 years 4 months ago #37252 by Nevins
What did you learn?

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13 years 4 months ago #37255 by rizin
Thanks Nevins for the Help.

Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean
13 years 4 months ago #37256 by Nevins
Np. Gave me something to do for a little bit.

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