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Need A Graduation Project Idea, Please

16 years 8 months ago #24776 by toddwoo
I'll be direct. Port security. Most all new-ish switches have it and it can be used for a bunch of security and network control situations.

Its something most people "know about" but few know all the good tricks you can do with it.

16 years 8 months ago #24791 by Hana

Hi KiLLaBeE,
Thanks for what u said. And I'm totally with it.
And I know only the basics in security and a not so much in network but I lOVE them and I wanna know more and more about them :)

Hi toddwoo,
Thanks for ur idea. but can u explian what do u mean of Port security and what can I do with it as a project, please? :)

16 years 8 months ago #24805 by toddwoo
Port security a function on a switch that allows you to control what each port can or cannot do. The two most common uses are to limit what MAC addresses can be used on that port, and to control how many mac addesses can be forwarded out a specific port.

A quick example for the first would be in a call center env. where the managers get access to the internet but the call center workers don't. Port security gives you a way to make sure only the managers pc is plugged into the port (vlan) that has internet access. And if anyone else dose it won't give you connectivity.

For the second example, same env lets say the manager is plugging a switch into his port and letting people plug into the switch to get access to ther internet. Limiting the number of MAC's with port security can eliminate this problem also...
16 years 8 months ago #24812 by Hana
That was a really nice idea. Thanks alot :)
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