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Recent graduate w/out certifications

15 years 6 months ago #31408 by Kick15
Hi all! I have been a browser of this site for around 3 years now ever since I began pursuing my Bachelor's degree in IT. I am now a graduate and currently seeking work in the IT field. My IT degree was in Telecommunications Systems Management, which esentially combines both the technical and business sides of the IT world into a neatly rolled degree.

My reason for writing is to inquire about the necessity of certifications. I have the knowledge to suit many of the jobs I have applied for, yet I cannot convey that on a resume that lacks any real experience. I hoped that once I found a job I could have their assistance in pursuing my certifications.

It's a real catch 22. I can't get the job w/out the experience but can't get the experience w/out the job!

Thank you for any and all suggestions!

15 years 6 months ago #31418 by ZiPPy

After graduating from college, you realize the real world awaits you. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to get a job right out of school. As you said, its a real catch 22.

I recommend the following(on your resume):

Number of hours spent in lab
Specialized labs of continuous study
Senior project or thesis details
**Current pursuit of certification (specify CCNA, MCSE ect...)

**You definitely want to be studying for a certification. Although you don't have the cert, you will earn credit from the employer that your actively pursuing a certification.

This should give you a foot in the door for an interview. Your knowledge and passion should lead you from there.

Cheers mate,


15 years 6 months ago #31420 by skepticals
Nice advice Zippy. I would go after some certifications. Do you know anyone in the industry?
15 years 6 months ago #31422 by Kick15
Thank you both for the replies. I will be updating my resume to include what you have suggested. I spent countless hours in labs during my network and system security as well as my forensics classes. Security was the emphasis of my degree FYI. I love it!
15 years 6 months ago #31429 by The_Berzerker
Hi Kick15 and welcome to

I would also recommend that you look at any internships, apprenticeships or unpaid work you can get. I know that working for free is not the best option but you can at least kick start your career and after 6 months pursue a paid job.

For unpaid work, you can look at helping out any charities that need IT help. It will also give you the feel good factor of helping a charity.

Good luck!
15 years 6 months ago #31432 by Kick15

I actually am currently working for a small company as a computer tech. I do anything from virus cleanup and removal to server installation and setup as well as anything in between. Like I said it's a small company. I am technically the only employee other than the boss. He contracts out specific work to two other guys. Our laptop tech and telephony/cable monkey. However, I am currently spending my time attempting to acquire more business by..."cold calling" I am no salesperson so this is a huge pain! :x

I'm sorry for the small rant, I just had to get it out lol! Thanks again for all the advice :)
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