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haaalp! im late with my assignment

18 years 7 months ago #13223 by Dan01
Ok I have no idea how to calculate the numbers manually, nor do I have any desire or reason to learn.

But with the help of the tool that I linked to earlier in this thread, I can immediately see a simalarity between his course work assingment, and my REAL world network, that I have posted on in the basic concepts forum.

Would this not be a perfect use for a with a mask of arangement. It alows for too many subnets possibly, but it works out to 254 seperate subnets, with up to 254 hosts per subnet.

And each router's wan port would be on ONE subnet, then setup the static routes in each router to the others.

I had asked in my other thread, why dynamic routes wouldn't handle it, BUT like I said in the beginning I'm no expert and don't earn my living doing this. Nor can I justify "PAYING" someone else to set it up for me on my small scale network.

But I have yet to get any real answers to my last question in the other thread.

Nobodies said it yet, but I get the feeling lots of people are sitting back mumbling RTFM, well I have, and it still doesn't work.

Ok I'm done ranting.
18 years 7 months ago #13224 by d_jabsd

now, quoting d_jabsd you mention that for the wan you can use a /31 mask?? really??? I dont think so, but as I mentioned I dont master subnetting, so please explain me how you can use a wan subnet mask of /31???

Salute :

You can use a /31 for point-to-point links. When using RFC1918 addresses, it serves little purpose other than proof of concept. In the real world, where public address space is limited and expensive, /31s can come come in handy, since you aren't burning any addresses on the network and broadcast- you have 2 addresses for 2 hosts.
It is a good idea to use a /31 where you can, but those instances are sometimes rare and not all devices support it. Most high end routers (Cisco, Juniper, etc.) have no issue with /31 prefix at all, provided its used correctly.
18 years 7 months ago #13226 by havohej
really men, you are ok.
thanks a lot, now I won a pizza to my boss, he assures that the less size network address was /30, so I show him the link and now he must pay.

18 years 7 months ago #13237 by havohej
great, in conclusion with a /31 you can use the subnet address as a host address, the next host as the other host address and ends with the broadcast, but there mention there is a limitation in broadcast activities.

thanks again.
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