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public ip

13 years 9 months ago #36960 by sais
public ip was created by sais
a company request pool of ip from isp. my question his this configuration work. IT-person of that co. ask to configure like this . he said he have switch which he will do. i have dout this configure will work or not. if work than hw will switch configuration (2950-sw) router used 871 - for internet connection.

WIMAX#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 928 bytes
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname cisco
enable password xxxxxx
no aaa new-model
resource policy
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface FastEthernet4
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet4.20
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly

no snmp trap link-status
interface Vlan1
ip address 83.96.x.x
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password xxxx
13 years 9 months ago #36972 by S0lo
Replied by S0lo on topic Re: public ip
The outside interface is a FastEthernet interface. I assume this is connected to the switch. Usually, there is WAN link somewhere.
But, the 2950 switch doesn't come with a WAN interface. Infact, most switches I've seen don't. So my question is, What physically connects the company to the ISP?

I can't find some thing obviously wrong with the config except that the inside IP is using a public range. It should use some thing in the private ranges: 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x or 10.x.x.x

Any one else can see what I can't, be my guest to post.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
Forum Moderator
13 years 9 months ago #36978 by sais
Replied by sais on topic Re: public ip
hai solo : this is wimax internet connection
from wimax cable is connected to interface FastEthernet4 . int0-3 is used for lan connection.

whether we need to create dhcp pool or access -list for public ip .

ip dhcp pool fast we create whn lan use private ip........

or just applying vlan ok.? same when we use private ip is ?
int fst 0 is directly connected to switch ?
wat should be swith configuration 2950 ?

interface FastEthernet4.20
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly

is connected to isp............... is isp adres
i can ping . is it internal problem. same where in switch.

my mail -id
can u give ur mail -id............
13 years 9 months ago #36985 by S0lo
Replied by S0lo on topic Re: public ip

whether we need to create dhcp pool or access -list for public ip .

If you did not set static IPs on your PC, then YES you need DHCP to distribute IPs. Access lists are for applying extra policies. You don't n need it for a basic config.

or just applying vlan ok.? same when we use private ip is ?

If your goal is just to connect to the internet, then you don't need VLANs. Still you can apply VLANs, and this has NO relation to DHCP. You need DHCP whether you apply VLANs or not.

wat should be swith configuration 2950 ?

Nothing if you don't want VLANs. Just configure DHCP on the router.

is connected to isp............... is isp adres
i can ping . is it internal problem. same where in switch.

I assume here that you meant that you can ping the ISPs IP from your router.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
Forum Moderator
13 years 9 months ago #36999 by sais
Replied by sais on topic Re: public ip
interface Vlan1
ip address 83.96.x.x
ip address sec
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly

this vlan is default configutation in router 800 series.

ie we should apply some ip -address . in this case for private ip to assign for system i create private ip
pool. for public ip also i can create pool or wat or just apply to vlani........
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