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16 years 7 months ago #26693 by routik
Hi guys,
I need a detailed explanation why Unix dont need an anti-virus
and will also like to know the challenges in reformatting with unix, in terms of system drivers.

Visions are never fully formulated. they develop with time.
16 years 7 months ago #26697 by S0lo

I need a detailed explanation why Unix dont need an anti-virus

I'm no expert in UNIX, but I think that it's simply because there are few viruses on Unix when compared to other OSes like Windows or linux. The more people use an OS, the more hackers target it hence the more viruses they create. which leads to more demand for anti viruses.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
Forum Moderator
16 years 7 months ago #26723 by KiLLaBeE
16 years 6 months ago #27107 by silentko
Also because its really hard to write a virus for unix/linux because of the tight security and the fact that you cant run any mayor apps without being root or allow by it.

and alot more.
15 years 1 month ago #33200 by jester
Although this thread is little bit old, i give my share
There are very less number of virus for Unix ,when compared to windows .
1. In windows all the important kernel,device files and other essential files are located mostly in System/system32 folders,virus programmers target that easily but in Unix it has rich directory set root,/dev,/etc,/export/home,/devices ,/usr the kernel ,important device files are distributed widely and changes according to different destros
2. In Unix for example solaris uses a dynamic kernel ,which gives user, full freedom to mount root file in whatever the slice he wants
and similarly the other important files can be mounted accordingly but must be properly mapped in the related .conf files for the utilities and Daemons to work .
3. Linux have SElinux and firewall protection which is very strong and some destros will not allow the user to login as root directly
4. we use sudo user utility in linux and RBAC in Solaris where the root is not exposed to external threats
5.moreover files system used in Unix varies with destros ,all depends in user choice
6. more and more when considering unix
7. Unix is not widely used a desktop OS when compared to windows
all these things make Unix secured and hard to implant virus and trojans ,only people who know the files structure of a particular unix machine can create vulnerabilities.
14 years 5 months ago #35327 by routik
@ jester thanks fir your contribution as well, this is more clearer to me.

Visions are never fully formulated. they develop with time.
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