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Were you hit by MsBlast

21 years 5 months ago #859 by sahirh
I love polls ! :)

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
21 years 5 months ago #874 by Chris
Replied by Chris on topic Re: Were you hit by MsBlast
Thank goodness ... didn't come close :)

Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
21 years 5 months ago #891 by Manip
Replied by Manip on topic Re: Were you hit by MsBlast
Blaster wasn't that bad.. it could have been worse....
21 years 5 months ago #894 by GhostCert
I am contracted to a HUGE pharmaceutical company and we support the field clients. I was the first in my company to notice the threat, and I was able to protect our servers, but the field clients got slammed. It was so bad that clients who normally VPN into the network were denied access, and all of the field clients ( almost 9,000) needed to be sent CDs with the MS patch, and updated McAfee dat files. This was a major cost to the company, and the lack of network connectivity really hurt business.

Now that was bad, but then the actual network was put out of commision by the Nachi virus. That literally crashed tons of servers worldwide for the company I am contracted to.
21 years 5 months ago #899 by Demon
Replied by Demon on topic Re: Were you hit by MsBlast
Thanx to Retina, the security scanner from, I applied the patch for the RPC/DCOM-exploit 2-3 weeks before MSBlast hit the Internet. After that I disabled DCOM on my system.

Security scanners are very helpful, but I do recommend that everyone who uses a Windows-based system to keep a close eye at Microsofts's Security pages.
21 years 5 months ago #912 by tfs
Replied by tfs on topic Re: Were you hit by MsBlast
I've been lucky, myself and not been hit with it.

I am deluged with a particular mail Spam that is carrying a virus attachment with it daily (about 200 a day). My Spam blocker is dealing with it, but it is an irritant.


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