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Problem With Computers Showing Up.

22 years 1 month ago #289 by YFS
Hi, nice looking site.
I just reinstalled WinXP on my new computer. Now I'm having problems with my network. On my Win98 computer, things are showing up in Network Neighborhood that haven't before. There are a whole bunch of diffrent computers that show up along with the 2 that are supposed to be there. A little bit ago, there were a lot showing up. They mostly have random numbers/letters (seemingly anways), but a few have names like "Bubba" "Dale" etc. Now only a few others are showing up. And when I try to access SharedDocs on Computer 1 (XP) from Computer 2 (98) it says Shared Docs is not accessible Access Denied. I've ran the network setup Computer 2, but not on Computer 1. Do you think if I ran network setup again on both machines that it would fix this? Any ideas other ideas on how to fix this problem? Thanks. 01/lst%3f%26.dir=/My%2bPhotos/Pictures%2b1%26.src=ph%26.view=t Thats a picture of what Network Neighborhood looks like now. Everything seems to be working fine on my Windows XP computer.

[ 09 February 2003: Message edited by: YFS ]
22 years 1 month ago #290 by wrath_child

have you tried to make ip lookup for this hosts?
Can you show us your network configuration?

22 years 1 month ago #291 by Chris

Its very worring that you are seeing computer on in your net. neigh. which shouldnt be there.
I have no idea how your network is setup and what type of access other people or the Internet has to it, but I would definately double check everything and possibly check your 'gateway' machine for possible intrusions.

As far as accessing shares on Windows XP/2000/NT4 machines, this is a topic which I tend to cover at some point because I have found a lot of people do not understand how network sharing works with these operating systems.

In short, when you create a share on your XP box and you want a Win98 pc to access it, you MUST have an valid account on your XP machine for the user that is logged into the Win98 pc.

For example, I log on your Win98 pc as "Chris". For me to access the share you just created on your XP pc, you need to create a user account on the XP pc called "chris" and give it the same password I use to log onto the Win98 pc. This way, when I try to access the share you just created on your XP machine, I wont be asked for a login/password ! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

Hope the above helps.


Chris P.

Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
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