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exchange new build question

16 years 7 months ago #26939 by FiercePowahs
I'm moving our company to a new MS exchange server 2003. My budget limits me to one server. The main requirement I've been given is that the exchange server must support two seperate companies. I've built exchange servers before for single companies but haven't had to set one up for two companies.

After the install do I just create a second Storage Group for the second company? Are there any special requirements? Do I need a seperate IP for the second company?

Any help would be great.
16 years 7 months ago #26953 by ikon
Hi there

You have 2 options really depending on politics.

the two companies are located in the same office?

if so you can just recipient policies and have 1 storage group and multiple domains or 2 storage grps.

the other is just to create the 2 storage grps and store the companies separately.

there is a great exchange resource at

i dont see why you would need more than 1 IP adress unless your feeding to diff subnets.
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