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Windows 2003 Terminal Server and the Clock

17 years 2 months ago #24495 by Bublitz
The clock is disbaled by default and for some reason there is no ON "button". The only way to get it on is to create some script that edits a registry key every time users log in. I've done some things with scripts but not edit registry keys. What id rather do is install some program that just displays the time.

I know if I google I can find tons of them but has ayone used one before? Does anyone know of a program that keeps up to date time and has a small footprint and can keep users from screwing with the time?

The Bublitz
Systems Admin
Hospice of the Red River Valley
16 years 8 months ago #26692 by quinnyyy
Bublitz, Please read your question and see if it makes any sense.
16 years 8 months ago #26699 by KiLLaBeE
Do you mean that the time on the server isn't working? If so, then check if the Windows Time service is set to automatic and also started (you may have to play with some other services that specifically deal with synchronization).

Do you mean that users who are remoted into the TS are able to change the time? If so, then check if the users have admin rights to the computers. Admin rights (not sure about power user rights) will allow users to change the time. You can also use group policy to further limit what the users are able to do while remoted in.

Are you looking for an application that will display the time? There are some Yahoo widgits that display the clock. I haven't done much testing with them to see if they pop up for every user, but you can give it a try.
16 years 5 months ago #27568 by Bublitz
Um read the Subject...

"Windows 2003 Terminal Server and the Clock"

By default the clock on terminal server sessions are disabled...So i was asking how to turn it on..or a 3rd party app so users can see the clock on a terminal session. Anyone who has ever setup a terminal server knows the clock is disabled.

Instead of finding a 3rd party clock i edited the registry to show the clock on all the users.

The Bublitz
Systems Admin
Hospice of the Red River Valley
16 years 5 months ago #27575 by KiLLaBeE
Good find

You're absolutely right.....I had no idea what in the world I was talking about for I had never setup a TS
16 years 11 hours ago #29551 by quinnyyy
Man it difficult sometimes! The clock is disabled by default as it has a refresh rate of 1 second and therefore slows down the whole screen, its recommended to keep it this way if your Terminal server is not on site. If you want to override this setting you can use domain group policy or even local group policy editor.
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