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Ghosting Win 98 hard drive

17 years 3 months ago #23958 by saidfrh
Can anyone suggest how to ghost a hard drive with Win 98? There are no USB on the computer. Is there a way to go serial to serial?

17 years 3 months ago #23963 by TheBishop
There are some old utilities - early versions of PC Anywhere used to do it I believe - that will let you transfer data using the serial or parallel ports given a sutiable cable. But perhaps the easiest way is to take the drive out and stick it into another working machine as an IDE slave. Then you can use all the facilities of the host machine to copy or do whatever you want
17 years 3 months ago #23968 by eylli
there is a very effective method that i have tested my self.

put the secondary harddisk that you want to clone ont he origin computer. You formati it fat 32 and make active that partittion.

than disable tha paging file on the origin computer.

than you can use the commad.


xcopy32 c:\*.* d:\ /h /r /k /s /e

I dont remember my self all theswitches.

after copy is finished put the copied hard drive on the secondary computer. and then enable paging files on the two computer.

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