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How can i change Ctrl+Alt+Del combination

17 years 7 months ago #22489 by libran_alok

I have a problem with my LAptop, "Delete" key is not working...
Is there any way I can change the CAD combination?

Thanks heaps :)
17 years 7 months ago #22494 by Alans
hi there,
if you want lock your computer you can use windows logo + L
Else if you want change your password you can right click
on my computer then go to manage>>users... right click on
your account >> reset password
Else if you want yo logoff or shut down i think you know this
Else if you want to open task manager then press CTRL+SHIFT+Esc
Else fix your keyboard
End if.


always Face your Fears...
17 years 7 months ago #22498 by skepticals
In the past, I have used a keyboard remapping program that would allow me to make any key function as another. I would search google for a keyboard remapping program.
17 years 7 months ago #22502 by libran_alok
Thanx Alans..

How can someone login without using CAD???
I'll probably going to fix that del key but just wanna know whether there is a way around or not...

tillt then I'll wait for the "key mapping solution".. thanx :)
17 years 7 months ago #22503 by KiLLaBeE
LOL.....alans, that is the COOOLEST way to write :-D ("Else if")

back to the topic...

As far as how to login when you are presented with the Alt+ctrl+del screen, i think if you enable windows accessibility (onscreen keyboard), you would have a method to hit ACD, but i dont think u can change the the keys used because there's security behind the reason why only ACD can be used.

You can also disable the request for ACD when you login, just to add more thought to this.
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