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active directory / exchange

19 years 2 months ago #10825 by jackeen
Hi guys

the problem i am having is with exchange 2000 server in that any new user accounts i create, mailboxes are not being created with them.

a little history in what has change recently is that our old dc and exchange server has been to moved to a new server.

old server testdc1

newserver testdc2

we also have another server that is a additional dc which is testdc3

now the thing i have noticed is that the entries for testdc1 are still present in system manger on exchange and in active directory user and computers and sites and services.

would this by any chance be related to the problems i'm having with exchange and the mail accounts,also in the event log there a numerous events for replication problems.

any help on this will be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance
19 years 2 months ago #10888 by jhun
just a couple of questions...

1) is testdc1 server still being use in the network?

2) which has the role of the pdc? exchange server?

3) could you post the log messages for the replication errors?

thank you..
19 years 2 months ago #11284 by jackeen
thanks jhun for the response,

i managed to sort this in the end i just though i'd let you know what the fix was.

basically i start throubleshooting this one by starting off installing the lastest service for exchange 2000 which was were i was originally having the problem. the installation for the service pack failed but it showed up an interesting error which led me to the solution of the whole problem, the error that came back from the failed installation of the service pack mentioned among other things about the failure to contact the schemea master.

it looks like the fsmo roles for the scheme master that where on testdc1 failed to come over to testdc2.

i seized control of the scheme master on testdc2 rebooted and retried to install the service pack which installed successfully.

i was then able to deleted the invalid replication entries in sites and services. and with a few more reboots and leaving the server over night to sort itself out the mailboxes appeared the next morning.
19 years 2 months ago #11300 by jhun

good to know you got it sorted out.....

thanks for updating the thread....
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