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Fedora Code Version??

20 years 8 months ago #4096 by Shani
Fedora Code Version?? was created by Shani
Hi 2 All !!

Kindly inform me that what is Fedora Core version in linux.
As i was studying and this Fedora Core version was written on the website but i have searched alot but couldnt able to find the exact result and this thing is disturbing me alot.

Kindly inform me about this.

Thanks !!
20 years 8 months ago #4106 by sahirh
Replied by sahirh on topic Re: Fedora Code Version??
Fedora Core is a distribution of Linux.

Think about linux like cars...
Linus Torvalds wrote the Linux Kernel (which is like the engine of a car), and lots of people make distributions (a full o/s with software etc) that use that kernel (like a full car based around an engine).

Fedora is a popular distribution of Linux.. it is the result of Redhat not supporting their desktop Redhat 9 anymore, so they've released the project to the community to develop with their support. Fedora is a great starting place for linux newbies, though Knoppix is even better

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
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