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I need a grand master's advice

15 years 2 months ago #32852 by charlox01
Over the years, windows has been in the line of sight, but now i need a change. i am good in windows background but as they say variety is the spice of life.
i used a Dv5 hp pavilion laptop with window 7 operating system , pentium duo core 2.16 processor, 3 gb of ram, Nvidia ge-force of 256 and just bought a 500gb sata hard drive. i have partitioned into 5 parts, one has window 7, second window server 2003, third has linux mint 7 gloria universal edition, now i am confused on which distributor should i put because i want to be able to used as many as possible.
i did some research linux knoppix 6.2 has a lot of softwares than others , fedora is from the red hat folks, centos is like red hat, sabayon is from italy, parsix is from iran . linux mint is like ubuntu. i need to know what should i install fedora vs sabayon vs knoppix vs centos vs parsix. and why :?:
15 years 2 months ago #32876 by talk2sp
Charles ur question isn't str8. Well if u have been familiar with this Base u should have gone tru many of similar and familiar infact the same post like wat u asking. posts under this section (Unix- Linux) covers many questions of which distro to use have been asked and infact answered. Go tru the forum before u post...

All distros are termed under the umbrella ~ Linux. But each distro has its task. Alright! Read tru the forum.

C0DE - 3


c0de - 3
Take Responsibility! Don't let failures define you
15 years 2 months ago #32886 by ZiPPy
You know charlox01 I have asked myself the same question over and over, and I still can't find a distro that I 'officially' like and stick too. You have quite a list their of some of the best distro's.

I first started with Slackware, more so watched my uncle install it from the CLI, then I moved to Fedora Core and stuck to it for awhile. I peaked a little in SUSE, and finally the infamous Ubuntu. I think I've spent the most time in Ubuntu, and reason being is for the simplicity of Ubuntu and the large community.

Now from what I've been told, the king of all ...status, power, functionality shines on Gentoo Linux! I personally haven't installed or ran Gentoo, but I've read a bit about it and seen many screenshots of the distro in action. If you have the patience and desire, I would throw Gentoo under your belt and see how you like it.

I think it all comes down to which interface you like best and find most appealing. I personally will be attempting the Gentoo install very soon. Let us know how it goes if you try it out.

Cheers mate,


15 years 2 months ago #32887 by charlox01
thanks am glad u understood my Questions and answered like a grand master. I will take ur advice seriously.
I appreciate :D

15 years 2 months ago #32889 by ZiPPy
No problem mate! That's why I love forums ...we can discuss topics and help each other out.



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