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Installing redhat linux 6.0

21 years 1 month ago #2421 by apple
Hi, Can anyone help?.

I am trying to install redhat linux 6.0. I am using an old laptop with a parallel port cd rom (backpacK) and the installation routine can't see the device.

I have down loaded a boot image which caters for parallel devices from the following site:

However I could not get the boot image onto one floppy. When loaded onto two floppy's using zip without compression, I rebooted my laptop and obtained a non system disk message.

Im I under the wrong impression that I can boot redhat with dos on my machine?

Thanks for any help, it will be much appreciated.

21 years 1 month ago #2431 by sahirh
Hmm.. usually when you make a boot floppy image you have to raw write it, not just copy the files on the way you might in windows.
I think that might be your problem.
Could you give details of what you did ?

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
21 years 1 month ago #2474 by apple
I downloaded the file from the website using my windows based machine and then used a zip program to get the file onto two floppys without compression, as it was 1.4Mb.

When I tried to raw write the file it wouldn't fit on the disk.


21 years 1 month ago #2479 by sahirh
Hmm just uncompressing it onto disks will not work if you're supposed to be raw writing it.. I'm not sure how to make it span floppies though. Maybe you can email the guy who wrote the driver, from my experience I find people are quite keen to help out.

Otherwise maybe try a later version of the distro, it will probably recognise your hardware straight up.

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
21 years 1 month ago #2507 by apple

I have purchased a freeBSD version which boots from a DOS partition. Hopefully this should work!

If it doesn't I will try a later version of linux.

Thanks again,

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