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New Xubuntu user needs help

18 years 2 months ago #15401 by condor
Just started using my first linux o/s (xubuntu) :D and cant figure out how to access shared files on a server running windows server 2003. I have samba installed, am connected to the domain that the server controls and would like to access the files shared by the server and all the other clients (which run windows 2000 pro). Also have NFS installed. Also would like to access files on the window pertition on the same HDD as the linux install. How would I start going about ths? All help is much appriciated. Thanks in advance.
18 years 2 months ago #15402 by nske

To make available linux shares to windows, through samba, you need to set a configuration according to the guidelines at SAMBA documentation . A minimal example of such configuration (smb.conf) is:


workgroup = MYWORKGROUP
netbios name = LINUXBOX
security = user
server string = ""
encrypt passwords = yes

path = /mnt/storage1
read only = No
path = /mnt/storage2
read only = No
path = /mnt/storage3
read only = No[/code:1]
You will also need to have set a samba account through the "smbpasswd" command (i.e. smbpasswd -a condor ; smbpasswd -e condor)

On the other hand, to make available shares of windows systems to linux, you can either use the smbclient or some interface for it, i.e in KDE's konqueror (provided it has compiled-in support), at the address bar define
You will need to provide the credentials for a valid windows system account. The other way is to use smbmount. This gives more flexibility, since the remote share is mounted just like a local filesystem and no special support is needed for any application to access the files. An example of how you could mount the share:
[code:1]mount -t smbfs -o username=condor,password=PASSWORD //HOST /mnt/test[/code:1]
where HOST it could either be the IP address of a windows host, or it's netbios-advertised hostname and PASSWORD the needed password at the windows server.
18 years 2 months ago #15412 by eylli
For Accessing NTFS partition on same HDD with RW support try

that's a very good one.
18 years 2 months ago #15416 by razikh

In order to access Windows partition on the same machine,

First get their Partition info by typing,

fdisk -l

This will list out all installed available partitions on your drive. Now select the one u want to access, then mount it on a required directory,

For example: say /dev/hda1 is the windows partition u want to mount on /windrive(wherever) then typein,

mount /dev/hda1 /windrive

Now u can access files from /windrive directory

Yes if ur Windows is running over NTFS, u'll be able to read only. U got to go for tools and utilities to enable R/W as mentioned by eylli


--- If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it ---
18 years 2 months ago #15426 by condor
Thanks for all the help guy's. Most helpful.
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