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IPCOP Load Balancing/Bonding

18 years 3 months ago #15133 by codiac
Hi again,

Yes its me again with another question :oops:

I was wondering if this is possible with IPCOP or any other distro....

I am wanting to share 3 x 8mb ADSL connections to a single internal network, effectivley giving 24mb down and 2.4mb up. I have done two before using a Servgate Pointforce, but this would be useless for three.

I have had a scout around and all I can see are commercial load balancers (damn expensive)

Any suggestions or websites to look at?

Thanks Peeps

18 years 3 months ago #15137 by DaLight
pfSense will do the job for free, but .... (there's always a "but" isn't there?)

1. Only one of the WAN interfaces can be (PPPoE or PPPoA). The others must be static.
2. The balancing is done on per connection basis, not on a bandwidth basis.
3. You can't bond the upload connections together, as they will have three different IP addresses.

You can however have up to 32 interfaces (including LAN, DMZ, etc).

You can find tutorials here and here

You can of course get commercial balancers that will bond VPN connections.

Now depending on your idea of "expensive", you may find the Draytek Vigor 3300v is an ideal commercial option. I've bought a few Draytek products and I think they're excellent. You can pick one up from for under £400 incl VAT.
18 years 3 months ago #15142 by codiac
Hi again DaLight :D

Going to have to start paying you soon for all this advice :wink:

I can't believe I missed the draytek 3300v! the kit I was looking at was around £2500!. I love the Voip functionality, this would integrate perfectly into out comms products too :D

Will also have a look at pfSense, looks pretty cool too!

Thanks again


DaLight at the end of the tunnel is NOT an oncoming train!
18 years 3 months ago #15148 by donanak

How do I get some of your experience? I mean where did you started and what kept you going?

I'm an ICT Techie for a school working with Networking and stuff like that but always feels like there are alot of things I need to know, I'm lacking something. I always thirst for knowledge in the field to put it this way. It makes me feel like this is not the right place for me to work. :?

Just give us some guidance. All my mate can't wait to read your reply and aswell, all the newbies in this Forum of this knowledge enriched website.

Waiting... :)

A smart person knows what to say, but a wise person knows whether or not to say it.

'When perfection comes, the imperfect disappear.'
18 years 3 months ago #15150 by DaLight
codiac, keep us informed on how it goes with the 3300v and/or with pfSense. I'm really interested as I'd like to add both of them to my list of available options.

donanak, the key thing is the thirst for knowledge, which you mentioned. I know a number of people who decided to go into IT as a career and tooks the courses, bought the books and then dropped out because they didn't really have a burning interest.

To me the key things are:

1. A keen interest in IT.
2. Hands-on experience in an environment that challenges you with new and different problems.
3. Friends that you can bounce ideas off.
4. Access to good training resources
5. A desire to add continually to your knowledge of the subject.

The last point is really important as IT knowledge develops at a rapid rate.
18 years 3 months ago #15152 by donanak
Thank you very much DaLight.

I guess all of you read it clearly. And hope it'll boost our apetite in the field.

Keep it up all of you. And Good luck on your journey.

A smart person knows what to say, but a wise person knows whether or not to say it.

'When perfection comes, the imperfect disappear.'
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