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Regarding patch

19 years 1 month ago #12850 by iamprabhu100
Regarding patch was created by iamprabhu100
Hi ,

This is regarding the

What is the use of


cd linux-2.6.10
> 5. patch -p1 < 01-nat_reservations.diff
> 6. patch -p1 < 02-nat_reservations_tproxy_exports.diff
> 7. patch -p1 < 03-tproxy.diff
> 8. patch -p1 < 04-nat_delete.diff

can any one explain me about the above line

> 10. make menuconfig
> 11. make bzImage
> 12. make modules
> 13. make modules_install

can any one explain me about the above line
why we need to compilr with kernel
for the squid configuration and in what way it related to squid

with regarda,
19 years 1 month ago #12851 by FallenZer0
Replied by FallenZer0 on topic Re: Regarding patch

I don't intend to be harsh here and I'm in NO way pretending to be knowledgeable when it comes to Computers/Security.

Your question / Post gives me an impression that you consider some sought of Help Desk for your questions and it is NOT.

I would suggest you do some searches, read manuals and see if you can find answers for your questions. That way you will have the pleasure of finding your own solutions.

-There Is A Foolish Corner In The Brain Of The Wisest Man- Aristotle
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