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ACLs (File Security & Permissions) using Samba

19 years 1 month ago #11574 by jhun
hi to all,

i want to seek your help in pointing me to the right direction of how to be able to implement ACLs using Windows client machines to be responded by a Fedora Core 4 machine running Samba.

the thing is i have already managed to join the linux box to a Windows domain and have set it up to be a File Server. well i'm already on the verge of completing my task however, i'm having diffculty in the accession of shared resources.

in my test environment i am able to access the shares fine. i am able to browse thru them. unfortunately, i am having trouble "writing" to the shared files/folders even if i have already set up the permissions to allow everyone read and write access.

upon my investigation using a Windows XP machine when i accessed the shared resources on the Samba server and browse thru its properties, i noticed on the security tab that the "Everyone" group has no permissions set that is probably why i can't be able to write on the shared resources.

this is why i would like to have the capabilities of Windows ACLs to be available for the Samba server.

any ideas on how to go about this? any links, resources, suggestions or violent reactions :lol: are welcome... thanks..
19 years 1 month ago #11627 by RedRanger
If you are planning to put the ACL on a Cisco router, it doesn't matter what operating system you use. Cisco isn't prejudiced :D.


"I'd Rather You Hate Me For Everything I Am Than Love Me For Something I'm Not."

Be Awesome
19 years 1 month ago #11635 by jwj
Just a FYI for you, RedRanger, jhun is talking about file system access lists, not a router's...but right you are about router ACLs.;)

As far as answering jhun's question, I wouldn't know how to go about that. Hope you find a solution.

19 years 1 month ago #11637 by jhun
yep although i'm very much aware that the famous ACLs are usually implemented on cisco routers i am currently focusing on the ACLs of Windows and linux on how they would interact with one another, but someday i would like redranger to teach me how to implement ACLs on Cisco routers as well as i am still a newbie on this one :D

i'm still searching though with regards to my problem and probably i would post my config later for everyone to view and share their comments with.

thanks guys..

by the way, my scenario is this i have setup my fc4 server running samba to join our Windows domain. i have already setup shares and i am able to browse thru them. the only problem that i currently have now is that i am unable to write onto the shared folders/files. i always get an "Access denied" error even if i have already set up permissions to be read, write, and execute.

if anyone has some suggestions please feel free to post on....
19 years 1 month ago #11645 by DaLight
I am very interested in this topic jhun, as it is something I will be tackling in the near future. Keep us posted and I will get with with anything I find. Meanwhile, have you checked out the excellent "HOWTO" documentation on the Samba Website. This link on Samba security modes may help.
19 years 1 week ago #12468 by Oakie

yep although i'm very much aware that the famous ACLs are usually implemented on cisco routers i am currently focusing on the ACLs of Windows and linux on how they would interact with one another, but someday i would like redranger to teach me how to implement ACLs on Cisco routers as well as i am still a newbie on this one :D

i'm still searching though with regards to my problem and probably i would post my config later for everyone to view and share their comments with.

thanks guys..

by the way, my scenario is this i have setup my fc4 server running samba to join our Windows domain. i have already setup shares and i am able to browse thru them. the only problem that i currently have now is that i am unable to write onto the shared folders/files. i always get an "Access denied" error even if i have already set up permissions to be read, write, and execute.

if anyone has some suggestions please feel free to post on....

I am just a hobbyist not an expert, but I wrestled the problem you speak of for several hours . I have a ClarkConnect server running Centos 4. I was administering this machine using a win2k machine on a domain.

I could read and browse through my samba shares but I could not write. went through the samba config with a fine tooth comb and also had set 777 on the shares with no luck.

Using the file manager tool in "webmin' , I saw that the owner of the folder was 'root'. I changed the owner to "nobody" and then set my permissions to 755 and Voila !
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