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Introduce yourself

20 years 2 months ago #6785 by sahirh
Replied by sahirh on topic Re: Introduce yourself
Age of Empires.. I played Age of Empires II (AOK) online at Zone for ages religiously... my nick is CMD_NukeInABox and the other half of the CMD clan, CMD_Supahfly still plays pretty often. It got a bit boring after everyone thought they were expert++ / extreme and used to lose in minutes ;)

I still have some of the most awesome instructive games taken from real tournaments. Worth a watch with popcorn.


Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
20 years 2 months ago #6811 by kkdeepam
Replied by kkdeepam on topic Re: Introduce yourself
hi all
this thread is really good here I am

My name is kuladeep from south india.Completed my engineering in EIE .I got job in my current company as networking engineer but I dont know what is networking at that time(march 2004).Now bit familiar with the help of this site.I am very thankful to web designers.
I am planning to persue my ccna shortly

Personnally I luv football,shuttle and chess which I am currently away from.Been long playing any of those.
20 years 2 months ago #6812 by stefke
Replied by stefke on topic Re: Introduce yourself
Nice way to learn a bit about the people frequenting this forum, so here's my input:

I'm a 30 years young Belgian citizen, happily married and living near Brussels.
I work for a multinational IT service company as a Systems Engineer.

I slided into the IT world about 5 years ago, working as a sales rep for a home decoration wholesaler I (being the youngest at the firm) was asked by my employer at that time to install him a small network (1 NT server + 5 clients W95 on a coax network). It took me some sleeples nights and liters of coffee but finally I pulled it of. Little did I know that this would give me the status of IT guru in my firm :-) So I started to administer the whole IT infrastructure (if it was worthy that name ;-)

I supported that environment for about 1 year (in combination with my sales occupations) and decided to give it a shot in the IT world.

I got my first job in the IT world as a helpdesk agent (office, W95 etc..), starting to study for my MCSE NT4 certs and ended up passing my last exam about 1 year later.

After that I started at my current employer where my main occupation is administrating and designing Windows based IT infrastructures.

Professionaly I mostly work with security and network related products: Windows 2003 (PKI, VPN, etc..), eSafe, McAfee, Fortinet, etc... In my free time I try to work with the Open Source counterparts of the products I use at work (Debian, Snort, Squid, apache, etc..).

I currently hold a MCSE (NT4, 2000) cert. I plan to get my CCNA/CCNP after I have some more hands-on experience and a Linux cert is also high on my to-do list.

I follow a bachelor education in telecomunications a a local university, and if I find some spare time I devote it to my lovely wife :-)

I visit this site on a regular base but to my shame must admit I never posted anything yet :-(
So one of my intentions for 2005 is sharing my (limited) network knowledge with the community.

To end this post I would like to congratulate all moderators and members of this great site for maintaining such a super site !

Keep sharing the knowledge !!


20 years 2 months ago #6837 by KiLLaBeE
Replied by KiLLaBeE on topic Re: Introduce yourself
I was born in Cape Verde Islands, then moved to the Florida, USA when I was 5. I'm 18 years old.

I got into computers when I was around 13. I was facinated by chatrooms, then I became interested in porn (I was a perverted little kid :-P). As I matured, I became interested in hacking, which led me to become interested in other areas of computers, and then I just kept on learning -- and now I'm a gEEk :lol: .

I don't have any certs, although I plan on getting a few over the summer.

Personality: Quite, sarcastic, unique, outgoing

Favorite Stuff:

Sports: Basketball, bodybuilding
Music: Metal, Rap
Games: first person shooters, strategy, sports (a little)
Movies: Action, comedy
20 years 2 months ago #6838 by abc
Replied by abc on topic Re: Introduce yourself
I work for an Indian software major as a senior software analyst.
I am based in Bangalore but currently working in US from the client's place.
I write network applications mainly in C. Network security is my passion.
In my free time I like to dig into linux network subsystem code.

Off the work I go places ...Drive very fast...and play tennis for fun...

Personality - quite :) , cool :!: and happy :D
20 years 2 months ago #6852 by ZiPPy
Replied by ZiPPy on topic bout me
I’m a 22 year old puter gEEk from California. I am currently a student at Devry University Long Beach studying computer engineering. I got hooked on computers when I was really young, probably around 11 years old. I was just fascinated how they worked and what they could do, little did I know that fascination would lead to obsession.

I got into the gaming world first, and then started to wonder how it all came together. That’s when I started to disassemble old computer systems that I got my from my uncle and try to put them back together. (A lesson learned was don’t take apart your main computer for the first time if you plan on using it again). As I started to familiarize myself with hardware I got interested in programming.

I started programming with Basic as my first language and through out the years continued exploring the many programming flavors of C, C++, PHP, Perl, Visual Basic, VHDL and Assembly. When I got more in depth with programming, that’s when I found the hacking scene. This totally intrigued me to learn even more and start learning more about hacking and exploiting computers. Along with hacking I started to learn a lot about networking.

I love networking!! I would say that is my favorite part about being a puter gEEk. I started to read a lot of networking books and relating programming with networking. That’s when I came across That’s when my networking knowledge really took off and I found a site I could come back to over and over to learn more.

I currently work at Christie Digital Systems as a NOC Junior Admin (NOC-Network Operation Center) I basically monitor all the servers, workstations, plasma screens and projectors around the U.S. and Canada. I also work with the System Admin and Senior Network Admin in configuring and maintaining the servers and network here at Christie. I was really lucky to get this job where I can shadow some real network guru’s and learn from them. Basically Christie Digital Systems will be the company that will change how we all see movies. Christie is the company that will switch movies playing from 35mm to digital.

I started to attend the DefCon convention. (DefCon 10 was my first) and a few local computer security conventions. I got to meet Kevin Mitnick and speak to him about some stuff. Never thought I would shake the hand of a criminal and sit down with him to pick his brain. Then on the other hand was he really a criminal? I’m not going to get into that because I know that will start a thread.

When I am not in my cave on the computer, I play ice hockey on an adult silver division team. Besides computers hockey is the other part of my life. I started to play hockey as soon as my dad found me skates that would fit my feet. Along with playing ice hockey I am also into bodybuilding. I actually get a lot of looks when people put puter gEEk and bodybuilding together. Aren’t puter gEEks scrawny, pale guys with glasses? No! Not anymore hehe

When I am not playing hockey or in the gym pumping iron I like to take my car out to the track and run it. I have a 2004 Nissan 350Z modified. I really love my car!! It’s the one thing I have that I can jump into and just cruise and leave all my problems behind me. Even though when I come back home my problems are still there, its good to know I have a temporary escape. Blasting some Metal with the windows down and the subs hitting along the Pacifica Coast Highway overlooking the beach, nothing beats that. (Maybe getting root access to a huge company server, but I will let you know when I can compare).

Well that will do it for me.

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