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Crazy Browser - One Browser, many windows!

21 years 3 months ago #1816 by Chris
I don't know why I didn't think of posting this excellent software as yet, so I'm doing it now.

Actually, to be honest, I just saw Sahir's screen shots from DiskKeeper and noticed a bunch of Internet Explorer windows open and it hit me!

Crazy browser is one of those small applications that take a few kb's in space and are amongst the most useful programs one can install on their computer.

With Crazy browser installed, you can forget opening multiple windows to browse to different sites as you are able to do it all from just one IE window!

Similar to Opera, Crazy browse will create the famous 'tabs' right below the Address/URL bar, allowing you to open as many new tabs you need to browse without cluttering your desktop:

I took this screen shot while I was typing this post :)

As you can see, I have at least 7 different 'windows' opened but actualy use only one I.E window on my desktop, saving a lot of space.

Of course, the best part of this awesome program is that its only 700kb in size!!

A few cool features it has are:

1) Built in Pop up filter
2) Easy procedure to empty your cache, url history e.t.c
3) You can 'lock' specific tabs in case you decide to close all windows. Locked tabs in this case will not close.
4) Fast loading time. Cause of its size, the impact to your OS and I.E is minimum

I highly recommend this program to every Windows user, and the best part of it, is that you can find it in our download section under 'Handy Utilities".

Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
21 years 3 months ago #1817 by sahirh
OMG this is freaky ! I was just emailing you about this !! I had heard you talking about Crazy Browser and I have just started to try out this software called Avant Browser which is very similar..

Basically the Avant people have taken a whole lot of features from opera including the tabbed interface and uses the IE HTML rendering engine !! Its also freeware, and comes with a few more feature :

It can block : Popups, activex, flash, pictures, sounds, videos, scripts
It has cache / history and autocomplete cleaners.
It has mouse gestures to navigate pages
Pure fullscreen mode with NO toolbars or anything -- just web content.
Skin support (can you imagine me without a pretty app ;))

And lots lots more. I downloaded it on a whim along with Crazy Browser, and I found the two are really similar products. Anyway I'm using this right now because it had a couple of extra features.

Heres the link :

Here are the screenshots :

This one has me working on this post in one window and looking at securitfocus in the other tab:

Here you can see the tabbed interface. The coloured buttons in the top right control various window functions:

Here's a bit of the tools menu featuring proxy settings, privacy cleaner, and blocking options.

This is the awesome fullscreen mode showing this very post.. no start bar or menu at the top:

Its really nice.. I haven't had a chance to explore all its cool features. Best of all its only 2MB freeware and no spyware attached !

Go check it out.


Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
21 years 3 months ago #1822 by Chris
Amazing.... you know what they say ... great minds think alike :)

I'll certainly give it a go!

Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
21 years 3 months ago #1823 by sahirh
And I can bet you anything you like that tfs is gonna post the following line

"fools seldom differ"


Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
21 years 2 months ago #2060 by sahirh
Just wanted to say that I junked Avant Browser (and in the bargain IE) for Mozilla Firebird

I don't have the time to give a detailed description but I'll sum it all up.. it has all the features of Opera, better rendering than IE, faster rendering than Opera, and a load of really neat tricks of its own. The whole thing can be extended via extensions.. kinda like plugins....

In short, I say

"This is the best all round web browser in the world today".

Don't argue with me till you give it a test drive. ;)

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
20 years 10 months ago #3674 by Grey
I'll second that.. Firefox is good. I like the dictionary addin.... right click on a word your unsure of and it opens a new tab with the word definition. Very handy..

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