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Quantum teleportation over ten miles

14 years 9 months ago #34573 by Nevins
I've been saying it for a while but Quantum networking WILL happen. Now it has.

We may not see Quantum Link network cards any time soon but I'm guessing that the backbone routers of the internet will take a back seat to these.

This is an abstract of the science journal publication:

Quantum teleportation1 is central to the practical realization of quantum communication2, 3. Although the first proof-of-principle demonstration was reported in 1997 by the Innsbruck4 and Rome groups5, long-distance teleportation has so far only been realized in fibre with lengths of hundreds of metres6, 7. An optical free-space link is highly desirable for extending the transfer distance, because of its low atmospheric absorption for certain ranges of wavelength. By following the Rome scheme5, which allows a full Bell-state measurement, we report free-space implementation of quantum teleportation over 16 km. An active feed-forward technique has been developed to enable real-time information transfer. An average fidelity of 89%, well beyond the classical limit of 2/3, is achieved. Our experiment has realized all of the non-local aspects of the original teleportation scheme and is equivalent to it up to a local unitary operation5. Our result confirms the feasibility of space-based experiments, and is an important step towards quantum-communication applications on a global scale.

Full text can be found here:

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