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Suggest me a topic please..

18 years 3 months ago #18112 by pavanmk
Project help...
Hi every1..I'm studying in final year engineering...I'm interested in doing a project for last semester in networking...I'm not able find good topics...Will anybody please suggest me a topic to go on....
I'll be very thankful :-)

Do whatever, but, with (close to) perfection
18 years 3 months ago #18138 by Arani
Replied by Arani on topic topic
networking is a huge field,
what exactly do you want to work on?

Picking pebbles on the shore of the networking ocean
18 years 3 months ago #18148 by pavanmk
Stuff like enhancing existing protocols, software for tunneling ipv4 pkts into v6 etc

Do whatever, but, with (close to) perfection
18 years 3 months ago #18160 by Starfire
When I first started in IT it was all bridges and hubs. When someone invented the switch I thought to myself, "What an excellent thing it would have been to be part of the team that came up with that idea considering the effect it had on traffic in the old shared networks."

These days, I think the equivelent would be in the arena of IP6, Voice, increased bandwidth/more efficient bandwidth usage, wireless and maybe personal identification.

As stated above, networking is a huge complex field but if you think about it, all of this is being done with relatively few types of hardware.

You haven't stated whether this is for postgrad or undergrad if at uni at all. You also havent stated what type of engineering.. We are presuming it's electronic.

Maybe your course tutor or the network lecturer would be able to point you in the right direction.
18 years 3 months ago #18170 by ashish_hcl
Hi pavanmk,

I am Engineering Graduate so I can understand Ur curiousity.

Even I did the same but my topic was security so I used a Triple DES (Data Encrption standard) Algorithm which was a C language based program.
A part of the program was used to encrypt the information and another part was used to decrypt the same information.

We used it in a Network Security system and explained how usefull and secure it is..

So I believe that you may have to look forward for the C based programs(Bcos that is the strongest language in that case) for tunelling ipv4 pkts into ipv6.
Then U may show the importance of this any sort of ISP based DSL network etc. Bcos they consume a lot of Ip's.

Do post if you come across any such progarm and you sucess in this project.

C ya Bye
Ashish Gupta
18 years 3 months ago #18171 by Arani
Replied by Arani on topic tunnelling
what you have come up with is an interesting topic. the transition between IPv4 and IPv6 has not been very smooth. tunelling has been utilized extensibly to make the transition smoother. there are pockets or i should say islands of IPv6 enabled network structures which are interacting between several other such islands over a IPv4 network backbone. this has given rise to various software running in the backend which encapsulates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets which are carrying the IPv6 datagrams as data segments.
this is a good field of study. my suggestion is you start off with a clear understanding of what each of these individual protocols stand for and then compare and contrast them. then you can go into the specifics of transforming a IPv6 data packet into a IPv4 packet and then reconverting the same back to it's original form.
best of luck

Picking pebbles on the shore of the networking ocean
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