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cat5 or wlan

20 years 1 month ago #7028 by chandak76
cat5 or wlan was created by chandak76
Hi,We have just aquired office in the building next to us.The building is about 80mtrs away.what would be the way to link the two building into one network?I know you can use cat 5 for up to 100mtrs ,but I'm trying to avoid running cable from one builging to the other and thats why i'm thinking of a wlan.Is a wlan going to work fine coz it will be the first time i'll be dealing with wlans.
Thanks in advance.
20 years 1 month ago #7029 by The_Berzerker
Replied by The_Berzerker on topic Re: cat5 or wlan
The wlan is going to work fine depending on the implementation you will follow. First of all you are going to need two directional antennas for the link between the buildings and depending on the design you will follow you have to decide for the rest of the hardware that you are going to use.
Keep us informed and i hope we will help.
20 years 1 month ago #7030 by TheBishop
Replied by TheBishop on topic Buildinmg link
Just to add that you don't really want to be going for a CAT5 cable between the buildings. Don't know what country you're in but here in UK that would contravene various electrical regulations due to the possibility of 'earth' beng at a different potential at each end of the cable run. If you have to hard-wire between buildings then fibre is the only way to go because of the electrical isolation. So your wireless approach is probably the right one
20 years 1 month ago #7036 by tfs
Replied by tfs on topic Re: cat5 or wlan
And if you happen it be in a lightening strike area, this is also a problem with running cat5 (or phone cable) between buildings.


20 years 1 month ago #7041 by chandak76
Replied by chandak76 on topic Re: cat5 or wlan
I've finally to go wireless.What would be the best approach to setting up this wlan and is there anywhere i can get more info on how t set it up coz it will be the first time i'll be dealing with such a situation.Any good sites i can visit.
20 years 1 month ago #7045 by The_Berzerker
Replied by The_Berzerker on topic Re: cat5 or wlan
Always remember "google is your friend" with a small search you will find all the info you will need, if you want us to help post some more information concerning your layout (like how many pcs, will they be on the same subnet and such). Also telling us if you have a big or small budget will help in order to recommend some hardware solutions.
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