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WDS, range and security...

16 years 6 months ago #26046 by talk2sp
Hi my people its been a while. i hope ya all fine..

i am about implementing a Linksys Wap200 accesspoint connecting to a linksys router..

i need cool ideas on how i could implement the following : -

(Note Putting in mind the limitations of WAP200)

1. The CEO wants to distribute service to some particular offices close to her own office right now is there any magic i could do in such a way that when the wep / wpa key is changed this people (the offices) who have subscribed say 1month wont be taken off due to the wep key change. (MAC address thingy came into my mind)

2. Right now in my head i am thinkiing of wat i could do in such a way that i can monitor wireless browsers but i know linksys has the kinda facility to change the key on its own after some particular time...

3. Asper the web filtering/ mac address filtering stuff i got my self covered

3. Any other idea will be highly appreciated.

thanks so much


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