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Linksys WRT54GL lan hackproof?

18 years 3 months ago #17201 by dtbsz
Is a lan with WPA + SSID broadast off + MAC control hackproof? If not, in theory, how would it be possible?

::[ dtbsz ]::
18 years 3 months ago #17204 by Smurf

SSID broadast off

- Although this can be done, most of the Wireless sniffers can actually still read this information so although its good to stop general people seeing it, if someone wanted to they could.

MAC control

- Again, this can still be got around by spoofing the MAC address on the machine they want to gain access with. It may take some time to get the right MAC though as the number of possibilities are quite large.


- Much stronger then WEP however i beleive it is now crackable. WPA2 is much more stronger and would take a lot longer to crack.

All the above will help to secure your wireless, it all depends on how secure you want it.

I could be wrong here as its been a while since i read up on how to secure wireless but a few suggestions was to use Radius and EAP to authenticate the clients with the access points. Also setting up VPN's to secure the communications over the Wireless network (thats physically seperated from the rest of the network). This will then be able to use IPSec for securing the traffic.

Hope it helps

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
18 years 3 months ago #17545 by Gosbollen
If you use a long password that doens't contain actual words, you will be safe enough.

To crack WPA, you have to capture the authentication process (easily done) and then run a dictionary brute force attack against it (easy/hard depends on password complexity).

A password like this would take more than a while to crack :)

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