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blackberry corporate accounts setup

18 years 7 months ago #15946 by johnwong

I am setting up a blackberry for a secretary, however, since she have the access to the inbox on two of her bosses at the moment, she would like to have the blackberry to setup so she can read her own email account, also she can also have access to her two bosses on her blackberry just like her outlook. I have done research on this but with no luck, can someone help me on this issue?

any input will be very much appreciated.
18 years 3 months ago #18751 by Takalm
HI There

I know my answer is probably a bit late,From the little bit i know about Blackberry there is n o way you can add an extra mailbox because the Blackberry will onlt be associated with one mailbox and can only syncronise with one ,hope that helps
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