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VPN router

14 years 1 month ago #36074 by bigjimmy
VPN router was created by bigjimmy
Hello there,
would really appreciate if someone can help:

I need to connect to my home network via VPN, so I can access files on my network and also to connect to the internet via my home connection.

I found this router:
DIR-330 WIRELESS G VPN ROUTER, the DIR-330 has an integrated VPN Client and Server to support almost any required VPN policy.

I am not sure if this is sufficient to do the job, or would I need additional hardware/software,
It there other SOHO level VPN, that I can set up username/password on the router (with no additional hardware software on my PCs).
or what kind of VPN requirements should I be looking for I purchase the router?

please help
14 years 1 month ago #36077 by Chris
Replied by Chris on topic Re: VPN router

I can understand connecting to your home in order to view files, but why would you want to also pass your Internet traffic through the VPN? This would put a large overhead on your connection and it will run slow.

Personally, I don't know of anyone today that does this anymore. I'm not sure if its even possible with the model you mentioned. More expensive VPN routers/firewalls designed for companies will support the features you require.


Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
14 years 1 month ago #36078 by bigjimmy
Replied by bigjimmy on topic Re: VPN router

thank you for your reply, the reason being that I travel to China quite often, and there is a GFW in China which many of the website, ie. Facebook, are blocked in China, hence the VPN connection idea.

14 years 1 month ago #36096 by rizin
Replied by rizin on topic Re: VPN router

@Jimmy, What kind of sites would u like to browse in china if it is face book and other social network, i suggest you to install Mozilla Firefox browser in your laptop and add-ons tor, which gives you anonymous browsing in the browser itself w/o any additional software.

Good Luck !


Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean
14 years 1 month ago #36112 by Chris
Replied by Chris on topic Re: VPN router
thumbs up rizin on your suggestion!

Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
14 years 1 month ago #36122 by rizin
Replied by rizin on topic Re: VPN router
Most Welcome Chris :)

Known is a drop, unknown is an Ocean
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