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How do I connect a pc inside my home LAN via the internet ??

15 years 10 months ago #29999 by htetnaing
I'm a complete noob so please bear with if this sounds totally stupid. I seriously looking for a way to be able to connect a pc inside my home LAN via the internet. How can I achieve something like that ? One thing that confused me is even if I know my ip address, how to find out my pc which is inside the LAN with private ip address ?? Gezz hope somebody help me out of this . Thankns in advance. :roll:
15 years 10 months ago #30000 by KiLLaBeE
So you want to connect to your PC from the Internet? Assuming that you have Windows XP Professional, go to Start, right-click My Computer, choose Properties, click the Remote tab, then check where it says "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer." Then enable port forwarding on your router for for port 3389 to your computer.

Then from any computer on the Internet, remote desktop to your house's external IP address and your router will automatically know to forward the remote desktop request to your computer (based on the router forwarding)
15 years 10 months ago #30003 by htetnaing
Thanks a lot but I still have one more question. What if the Operating System is not Window XP but Ubuntu ?? I have a pc with Ubuntu on it. I might as well establish a connection to that pc via the internet. Hope I'm not taking too much of you guys time and again sorry for being stupid. Thanks in advance everyone.
15 years 10 months ago #30007 by Alans
could you provide more details, how are your computers are connected?
usually you should have a hub (or WiFi) to connect all your PCs and your internet connection line together then put default gateway to the internet access point like WiFi..

always Face your Fears...
15 years 10 months ago #30013 by ZiPPy
Ah! The challenges of getting Linux online! :D

We have two dynamics to consider in getting a Linux box online:
1. Connecting with DHCP
2. Manually configuring IP, mask, DNS

If your connecting to a WiFi or a home LAN, your more than likely connecting with DHCP. But there is the possibility you need to manually configure your network settings, regardless of DHCP or not (sometimes you just have to).

There are specific files you can configure to set these settings. You can access them via the terminal. I can't remember for the life of me what these config files are called. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? Once you access these config files, you can edit the IP, mask, and DNS accordingly.

Cheers mate,


15 years 10 months ago #30034 by kehl25
I believe the config files you are looking for are these:

IP= vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
gateway/hostname= vi /etc/sysconfig/network
DNS= vi /etc/resolv.conf

hope that helps.
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