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Frame Relay configuration in Packet Tracer

15 years 9 months ago #29657 by SteveP
I'm thoroughly confused about configuration of Frame Relay. We don't have access to a cloud simulator so have to rely on Packet Tracer. I have two routers connected via a serial cable. The relevant parts of <show run> are:


interface Serial2/0
bandwidth 56
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay ietf
frame-relay map ip 203 broadcast
frame-relay lmi-type ansi
no keepalive
clock rate 56000


interface Serial2/0
bandwidth 56
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay ietf
frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
frame-relay lmi-type ansi
no keepalive

The DCE end is attached to the first router.

I can't ping one serial interface from the other. I haven't configured anything else. It appears that the maps have been configured:

show frame-relay map
Serial2/0 (up): ip dlci 203, static, broadcast, IETF, status defined, active

show frame-relay map
Serial2/0 (up): ip dlci 201, static, broadcast, IETF, status defined, active

Does anyone have any idea why this isn't working? Are my configurations correct? Could there be a bug in Packet Tracer?

Thanks for your time.
15 years 8 months ago #30277 by broadcaststorm
In packet Tracer 5 and 5.1, click on the WAN Emulation Cloud, select one of the two clouds that appear and place it in the work area. Open the "picture" and click the Config tab. There will be a Frame-Relay option on the left side. It's a bit of a fiddle to get working, but it does work well enough.
15 years 8 months ago #30283 by SteveP
Thanks for the tip. Since posting the initial question, I've looked at this and managed to get it working - both via a FR cloud as well as 2 routers back to back.
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