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disjointed external static ip's on same ASA5505?

15 years 9 months ago #29617 by blacksunshine

you can have it but you should define the route to reach that new subnet.


okay, just wanting to understand the capability of this unit...I have the same basic type of setup at my home running m0n0wall on an old neoware like a champ....

wan, lan and dmz, dmz lets my main ip through and have a separate subnetting for the dmz as opposed to the get to the dmz items though, I have to create routes which is kind of funky...but this is just for internet access at the current time for the solution I am looking for so should not be that difficult....I think I am having a hard time with the relation of tasks in comparison to the terminology/commands....
15 years 9 months ago #29620 by S0lo

ok, trying to get my head wrapped around this again....

can I have the 'inside' range set to and then the routed ip that I am working with be pointed inside to an ip on a totally different subnet, ie say pointing it to something within

As Patiot mentioned, you can do that but the route to should exist. However, if is directly connected to your ASA on one of it's interfaces (say DMZ), then the route will be added automatically.

Studying CCNP...

Ammar Muqaddas
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