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what is network engineering

16 years 5 months ago #27406 by marora80
hiii hello there
how r u
sir actually i need help on a topic named as "traffic engineering" as relates to this i also need the proper understanding about, throughput, delay distortion, propagation time and traffic capacity.... .
what are the basic characterstics of network traffic....
what type of traffic it is , may be traffic of packets of data which need the cummunication channel .... .i will be very thank ful to u ....
please do help me in understanding properly about the above terms we have in networks.
16 years 5 months ago #27416 by sose
Do you know a man called Google. so first meet him, do a lot of reading then come back to us and table any area that is a bit dark to you and we will response.

Have a super time in firewall .cx
16 years 5 months ago #27456 by talk2sp
marora80 in addition to what Sose has said.. u could try MIT open course ware - . u should find relevant topics under technology menu..


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