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Vlan Trunking on a host

16 years 9 months ago #26378 by toddwoo
I have been looking for a way to test our networks without having to drag a switch along with me to every site.

I found a page that suggests i can vlan tag packets coming out of my laptop. But I can't find the tool they say I need.

The page is:

It mentions a PROSet tool from intel that they seem to no longer make or distibute. Even if I could find it I don't have an intel card in my laptop.

Can anyone else help with this?

16 years 9 months ago #26384 by jstretch
This is a very common capability. Essentially, you turn your connection into an 802.1Q trunk. However, I would strongly recommend against configuring access ports on a switch to any mode other than access (switchport mode access). If you can establish a trunk with a port, so can the bad guys.
16 years 9 months ago #26388 by toddwoo
Replied by toddwoo on topic Re: Vlan Trunking on a host
This is only for testing and the like... We never leave ports open or up if we don['t have to.

Any word on how to do this??? I'm still running into a wall.

16 years 9 months ago #26496 by toddwoo
Replied by toddwoo on topic Re: Vlan Trunking on a host
A few of my linux buddies are telling me most linux distro's do this natively... I tend to believe them, but nobody knows exactly how to do it.

Anyone know what I should be looking at?
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