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When do we use PPPoE and When do we use DHCP?

18 years 8 months ago #15233 by MANPAP

Can any one tell me when do we use PPPoE and DHCP?

e.g: in my dial up connection i use PPPoE and while booting Dslams i use DHCP...

both protocols provide me the IP address.... so how do i select the protocol ?

thanks in advance.

18 years 8 months ago #15236 by ashish_hcl
Hi Manpap,

when we use PPPOE then from your end (User end) we can just enter authentication information like username and password and the server assigns Ip address/ D gateway to your computer, which is basically from the DHCP based server...
18 years 8 months ago #15238 by havohej
exaclty, as MANPAP says, you use PPP o Ethernet or even Atm to take the advantages of the features the PPP protocol suite offers.

as authentication, multilink, and error correction.
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