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Power Cable that can be use to transmit data

19 years 2 months ago #11905 by Tracer
Hi Guys! A friend of mine told me about this technology of a Power Cable that can transmit data and can be use in LAN. I'm not so sure about this technology because how can you transmit data using power cable and how can you protect the network if there is no security since you get electricity from outside.. I Think it is imposible but you know technology can make that possible. I'm doing some research about that and unfortunately so far i haven't found about that.. HELPP!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot guys! :D :D :D
19 years 2 months ago #11911 by Rockape

I seem to rember reading something about this. I think it's called power on lan. The idea is that the patch lead will also power up the PC. So you only need to have one cable coming out of your PC. Have a look at the Silicon Website, and you might have a starting point.
19 years 2 months ago #11913 by The_Berzerker
I think Tracer asks about trasmitting data through the electric lines of the building. THis technology does exist and can be used for LANs. You plug-in something like an adapter to a power-outlet and then connect the adapter to your pc's network interface with a patch cable. I don't know if this technology is any good and haven;t tried it myself, i think the IEEE hasn't created a protocol for this technology (correct me if I'm wrong) which is a bad thing, since IEEE supports only promising technologies.
Hope i helped
19 years 2 months ago #11916 by uLtImAtE-pReSeNcE
hi ... just thought I'd do well to put my 2 cents in /////// I guess we are talking about PoE - Power Over Ethernet ... This technology, also known as IEEE802.3af (yeah ! U heard me right, tis a standard), promises to provide power as well as data over existing Ethernet cables ....

Just in case someone's interested in knowing more ..... as always

Hopefully all this shud help you get started .... BTW I wrk with these fur a living (;-)) ......

Cheerz n beerz
19 years 2 months ago #11917 by The_Berzerker
I believe that Tracer is not asking about transmitting power over an ethernet cable but transmitting data over a plain power cable.
19 years 2 months ago #11918 by uLtImAtE-pReSeNcE
hmm ..... possibly BPL or sumthin along similar lines ... I guess. This seems more likely given that commercial implementations of the same have begun on a responsively large scale ..... no one ever thought it'd ... did they ? Reliabe reports tell me that sum company named Telkonet is already marketing it !

Ringing on the technical aspects, you sort of bundle the radio-frequency (RF) energy on the same line with an electric current, so data can be transmitted without the need for a separate data line. Because the electric current and RF vibrate at different frequencies, the two don't interfere with each other. Some form of modulation !

Radio Interference is a big problem tho and will take sum time and ideas to figure out !!!

Lemme know wat u folks think abt it ....

Cheerz ..... n wat the heck .... anotha' cuppa beer ;-)
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