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Need Materials for Cisco Lab

18 years 11 months ago #13810 by Dudbolt

I've been watching the progress of the Cisco lab for some time and so far been very impressed. I've been a Cisco Instructor for nearly 5 years and in that time i've amassed a heck of a lot of material. Lab ideas, reading material etc. I'd be happy to burn this onto a DVD for you and send across. On the subject of Labs, i could doctor some of the offical Cisco Labs and make these available to the community. I find that a weekend "challenge lab" is great fun for all those involved.


18 years 11 months ago #13823 by havohej
Strongly agree!
Just hope that when it is finished it wont turn the FREE lab into PURCHASED and also EXPENSIVE LAB.

The success of the cert exams depends in complex, and big topology labs, If this page starts with the free virtual lab it can grow more than what it is now.

Luck with the lab, and as all of us, waiting for take a look at it.
18 years 11 months ago #13845 by Chris

We would gladly accept any help/material you can offer in order to help us create a more useful and practical Cisco lab. Private message me so we can discuss this further.

Of course, the labs contained will have to be setup according to the equipment we have, but looking at a few examples will help us plan for our future purchases.

While the setup of each lab has already been posted in the 'Status Of Cisco Lab" forum, we are in for major changes due to the somewhat limited equipment.

We should note however that we are proud to have at least 3 labs, one of which will cover a very hot topic: Inter-vlan routing.

havohej, you've been around us long enough to know that when we say "free"... we mean "FREE"!!! We've gone through a lot of expenses and trouble to provide this to our community without cost and that's the way we want it to stay.

And if you though that's great, wait till we start sending out the free IT books from the world's largest publication companies such as CiscoPress, Prentice Hall, Symantec Press and Addison Wesley!

Need we say more ? :)


Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
18 years 11 months ago #13862 by havohej
jajajaj thast what we wanna hear "free", thanks Chris, like a german friend says "DANKESCHOEN" :twisted:

Just thinking about can you imagine what will be the demand for using the lab?? how many people worldwide must wait to use it??

How are you going to handle the demand about it???
18 years 11 months ago #13904 by Chris
Well do our best to ensure everyone gets fair go on the lab. The lab will be running 24/7 and we expect to have at least 3-4 labs on-line.

As the demands grow, so will the number of labs, assuming we can handle the costs associated with them :) !


Chris Partsenidis.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
18 years 11 months ago #13913 by Rockape

What can I say, a free Cisco Training Centre, AND free books.

I would worship at your feet, except you are too far away!!


Rockape gets to his knees and prostrates himself at Chris's feet, and chants "we're not worthy, we're not worthy" :D :lol:
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