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Worlds Youngest CCIE is 18!

14 years 1 month ago #36082 by Zidk
Worlds Youngest CCIE : CCIE Voice 27911

Rizni Kariapper currently residing in the UK has become the Worlds Youngest CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) Holder.

He was born in Sri Lanka and moved to Canada at an early age. Now living in the UK, passed his CCIE Voice at an age of 18.

More Infor:

This young CCIE could be exceptional achiever..
Any comments?

Andrew Zid K
CCVP,Bsc(Information Technology)
14 years 1 month ago #36085 by Chojin
anyone can achieve CCIE, it is a matter of hard work and many hours of practice...

networking isn't difficult, it is just a matter of understanding what is happening behind the scenes. Someone aged 18 has enough brains to understand what is happening, especially if you're a bright kid.

I'm currently busy with diving into the CCIE lab exam... and yes it is difficult, but i must admit, with my experience and previous cisco certifications (knowledge) I am not really scared by the exam topics...

CCNA / CCNP / CCNA - Security / CCIP / Prince2 / Checkpoint CCSA
14 years 1 month ago #36092 by sose
Have you heard of nine year old kid that is already designing Java and perl applications for corporate bodies ? there are special people in our society and they are capable of going from A to D without passing through B and C. ch ances of coming across them is rare. sometimes nature does what it likes deffering basic principles.
14 years 1 month ago #36117 by TheBishop
If you can, do it while you're young before your brain slows down. When you get to my age the only Java that makes sense is in the bottom of your coffee cup...
14 years 4 weeks ago #36142 by santosh9702
Great....... All the best...

With Regards,
Santosh kulkarni
14 years 2 weeks ago #36199 by Chojin

If you can, do it while you're young before your brain slows down. When you get to my age the only Java that makes sense is in the bottom of your coffee cup...

LoL... do note, that kind of Java is the best kind of Java! :) Cheers!

CCNA / CCNP / CCNA - Security / CCIP / Prince2 / Checkpoint CCSA
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