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Advice on CCNA

18 years 1 month ago #19628 by Spectre68524
Advice on CCNA was created by Spectre68524
I would like some advice on the CCNA test.

Especially on the sims. I think that I have studied alot, especially where I am weak with understanding Frame Relay.

I have been through the Cisco Networking Acad. at school and I have some experence through my job.

I have been studying for over a year and using some 1900's, 2500's, and 2600's that I got from work and the Boson sims.

I passed the Network+ fine, but I am worried that I might bomb the CCNA because it is very hands on and alot more to remember. CCNA is a big leap from N+.

Any advice that you can give that is not already posted ?

Especially on the sims?

I refuse to use braindump so please do suggest that.

I am also sitting down for the MCDST and A+ in a couple of months.

18 years 1 month ago #19629 by Starfire
Replied by Starfire on topic Re: Advice on CCNA
First thought, the 1900s are no longer on the test. Its the 2950 you need now. I am close to my sitting also and from what I gather, apart from having solid theory, for the sims you should know switching inside and out, routing, access lists and work a bit harder on the WAN stuff.

By the sound of it, your serious approach to it should should see you through but if you do bomb, at least you will get pointers where you should direct your study for the second and probably last attempt.

Good Luck.
18 years 1 month ago #19630 by Spectre68524
Replied by Spectre68524 on topic Re: Advice on CCNA
Thanks Starfire!!!

Yea I know the 1900's are buddies in the IT section at work gave me them and the 2500/2600's for I wasn't complaining to much...LOL

Yea Access lists kick my rear, but I am getting better. Would like to get my hands on a 2950 so I can learn more.

I was also wondering for after the CCNA... I would like to get into VIOP and wanted to know what direction I should go. I have a solid background in Teleco from the Air Force but it seems that alot of peps are not willing to help or flame you for not knowing...LOL

Thanks for the advice!!

18 years 1 month ago #19632 by S0lo
Replied by S0lo on topic Re: Advice on CCNA
In my humble openion, Boson and Packet Tracer were more than enough for me to pass the sims. I had just over 2 weeks of trainning on real routers.

Exam questions also helped me. Instead of solving 10 questions in 15 minutes, I'd solve them in 10 minutes, simply because I've been through very similar stuff. Loosing more than 4 questions just because you missunderstood them or haven't been through them before can indeed make a difference in your final mark and in the worst case fail you.

Wish you good luck :D

Studying CCNP...

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