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Proxy Without filtering

17 years 1 month ago #25028 by Chewy
Currently our network is setup so that we go through an ISA proxy that is then filtered by Websense. This makes any type of Webex session really drag. What would I need to do so that everything through our proxy is logged, but certain machines do not feed the websense filter.
17 years 1 month ago #25029 by Smurf
Replied by Smurf on topic Re: Proxy Without filtering
There should be no reason for Webex having any issues with that configuration. We have ran ISA 2000/2004/2006 with Websense ISAPI Plugin without any issues.

I am guessing you have set it up with proper ISA Integration ? If so there is no way to bypass this unless you bypass ISA as well.


Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
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17 years 1 month ago #25030 by Chewy
Replied by Chewy on topic Re: Proxy Without filtering
It was setup before I got here. Dont really know if it is "proper". Right now we need to disable proxy for anything using webex
17 years 1 month ago #25058 by freakyboy
webex or any other remote session should not cause any problems with Websense. Matter of fact you will not even notice the difference with or without Websense. If it is dragging you need to look at other appliances if they are manipulating the traffic. It could be just simple bottlenect somewhere.

if you are the Websense Admin use the websenseping command to confirm what times you are getting when you go to the webex URL.....

websenseping -m 2 -url

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