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PIX Connection Issues with RESET-O

18 years 3 days ago #16991 by Wayne
Dear friends,

I got these logs in my pix 515E,

Sep 20 17:01:46 local6:info Sep 20 2006 17:01:14 fw01 : %PIX-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 208673 for Outside: ( to Inside: (
Sep 20 17:01:47 local6:info Sep 20 2006 17:01:14 fw01 : %PIX-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 208673 for Outside: to Inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 0 TCP Reset-O

The pix heared 'Reset' request from its interface Outside as I know, but who sent this request? is it nat related?

Could you help me? thanks!
18 years 2 days ago #17036 by Smurf
This has got me intreged. Not been able to find out much about this so i will ask one of our distributors technical people what this does in fact mean. I have read somewhere that it doesn't necessarily mean anything its just that the logging hasn't kept up; what ever that means :)

Will try and find out for ya

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
18 years 2 days ago #17050 by Smurf
Apparently the TCP Reset-I means that the connection was reset from the client on the Inside and the Reset-O means that the connection was reset from a client on the outside.



Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
17 years 10 months ago #18057 by Wayne
Thank you so much, Smurf!

I have benefit a lot.
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