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Pix 515e Question

18 years 11 months ago #12826 by JimmieJames
I have a question about the Pix 515e. Right now the current Network we have installed has 1 T1 line coming in and serving up 3 servers as well as internet connectivity. Our Domino mail server for our outside users it running like dog and we're thinking of getting a second T1 put in. So my question is can the Pix be configured with 2 different outside IP's?

I'm new to Cisco stuff so I just want to make sure this can be done before telling them "Sure no problem, get it installed". The reason I ask is because I've worked with the Sonicwall's before and know that they can accept multiple outside connections but with Sonicwall, for some reason, they MUST be on different subnets or it will not allow you to set it up, it will just error out.

So basically here's what I'm looking to do and need to know if it will work;

2 T1's into 1 PIX 515E. IP's assigned from provider are x.x.x.110 and x.x.x.112

x.x.x.110 will come into the PIX and be routed to serve the Web Server, the Domain Controller/DNS server, and give users web access.

And x.x.x.112 will come into the PIX and be routed serve up the Mail Server only.
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