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Problems with Cisco PIX 506e

19 years 2 months ago #12238 by pjeddie
A laptop was unintentionally given the same IP Address as the outside global address of the PIX [global (outside) 1 ....]. This was done so as to by-pass the firewall.

This has since been removed from the network, however those behind the firewall is unable to browse the internet.

Any suggestions.
19 years 2 months ago #12250 by TheeGreatCornholio

Curious - what troubleshooting steps have you tried so far?

Sound to me like the ARP cache on the internet router has the bogus PC's mac address instead of the PIX mac address for the outside interface.

If you can't do a clear arp on the internet router, I suggest you reboot it...

Let us know if this helps or not, and we can go from there.

19 years 1 week ago #13135 by piotrek
yep sounds like arp problem :twisted:
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