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LinkSys wireless WAG54G V.2 not connect to msn or hotmail

19 years 6 months ago #9552 by x1ng
i have a ADSL Linksys wireless router 4 ports WAG54G V.2 and i have a ADSL LINE 256/64,connected to 3 PCs (including Laptop) .the problem is that i cant browse the hotmail or msn sites(and maybe some other sites) .now i cant check my mail on hotmail.and i have an old D-link DSL modem i tried it and i everything is OK ,i can browse the msn and hotmail.which mean that its not a Windows problem.but a router.
and also i disabled the firewall in the router but there is no use.
i googled many hours and i found that is a wide problem .but no one have any answer.
and by the way i resored the router to the default but no use.and i have the latest firmware.
so if any one can explain or know about this problem.

19 years 6 months ago #9553 by drizzle
Have you tried any of the basic troubleshooting tools while your Linksys is hooked up? Such as ping, nslookup, or tracert?

On another note, maybe its an omen from the technology gods that hotmail is bad and its time to switch ;) Just a thought...
19 years 6 months ago #9554 by x1ng
i solve it .i was wrong about the firmeware.there was update.
i was using Firmware Version: 1.00.39 and updated to Firmware Version: 1.00.47.
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